Monday, September 9, 2019

The Altar, By Vicki Leonardson

"Despite their fear of the peoples around them, they built the altar on its foundation and sacrificed burnt offerings on it to the Lord, both the morning and evening sacrifices. Then in accordance with what is written, they celebrated the Festival of Tabernacles with the required number of burnt offerings prescribed for each day. After that, they presented the regular burnt offerings, the New Moon sacrifices and the sacrifices for all the appointed sacred festivals of the Lord, as well as those brought as freewill offerings to the Lord. On the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the Lord, though the foundation of the Lord’s temple had not yet been laid." Ezra 3:3-6

The returning exiles were fearful. The task of rebuilding the Temple was daunting and overwhelming. They dug through the ruins and found the site of the original Altar. They rebuilt the Altar and immediately began offering up morning and evening sacrifices. 

Are you in a spiritual funk? Are you not quite feeling it? Have you allowed the cares of this life to crowd out your joy?

This can happen so quickly. Why? Because we are humans, temporarily stuck on Earth. 

Despite your fear of whatever and whoever has stolen your joy, simply go back to your spiritual roots. The altar where you first found Jesus. Fall down on the altar and offer yourself a living sacrifice to God once again. 

Start with morning and evening prayer. Find a spot where you can devote to your altar of sacrifice. 

Begin with an honest, humble offering of praise and honor to God. Followed by honest and humble repentance. Pray Psalm fifty-one, allowing God's Word to wash you. Speak in tongues, allowing His joy to strengthen you. 

God will honor your morning and evening sacrifices. He will show up and accept your offerings. He loves you. He will lead you, step by step, and prayer by prayer, back into communion with Him.

I've been doing a lot of painting. At times, I feel overwhelmed with the task at hand. Beginning a big job is the hardest part. After plodding along consistently, I start to see the results of my labor.

We complicate things. Rebuilding our life is an overwhelming task. But its totally doable when we simply begin with morning and evening prayer. Start small. Build from there.

"Dear Jesus, please draw all of us back into close communion with you. We all slip into routine, ho-hum prayer at times. Thank You for continuing to draw us. I love you, Jesus. AMEN."

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Life Is A Desert, By, Leonard Woeppell

The desert is not a place to get lost. The trails are few and often disappear after a wind or rain storm. Permanent sources of water are few and far between. Tanks of accumulated rainwater can run dry unexpectedly during a long hot summer. Food sources are few and far between in the desert. The lack of water changes the environment for all plants and animals brave enough to live or travel through the desert. If you make a mistake you will die from thirst or starve to death.
A desert filled with oasis. Some of the oasis have water. Sometimes the water is good. Sometimes the water is bad. When the water is bad it may make you sick or it may poison you and you will die. Our struggle is to know the difference. Pools of crystal clear water that looks so inviting are actually filled with poison. Trails are few and often vanish due to environmental problems. Trails are often lined with the bones of the unprepared. You need to have a good map to know where and when to go. The desert is a changing environment and you got to know your stuff when you travel through the desert. It is not a place for the foolhardy or the untrained.
Animals are the desert is unique. Many are poisonous. Many have adapted and need very little or no water. Many are active only a night or just before sunrise or just after dark.  Snakes and other reptiles abound. Many animals of the desert are found nowhere else. Many of the plant's horde water and will only bloom after heavy rain.
The culture we live in today is changing rapidly. The values (roads) of 5, 10 or twenty years ago are no longer valid (useful) for a large portion of society. The morals (climate) of today are getting worse by the minute. The maps are becoming outdated faster than we can change them due to poor morals. No one is really sure about anything.
The Christian stands out in modern society. The followers of Jesus has a good map (the Bible) to follow. Based on Scripture we know where the water holes are; and which ones are poisonous (Filled with sin). The trail is clearly marked by the life of Jesus Christ. The Bible is full of stories (wisdom) that give us real-life examples of people who have walked the trail before us. The rest of the world may be foolhardy but Christians are trail wise and have a fund of practical knowledge (older Christians) to rely on.
We are not alone on our journey because the Holy Spirit is within us and will not forsake us in times of trouble. We may be on a trail that is long and difficult; but we know we can make it if we will follow the concepts and commandment that our guidebook; the Bible; provides. This world is not our home and Heaven and eternity call to us. We will persevere. We will triumph. We will win the race as long as we put our trust and faith in Jesus!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Hardest Part- By, Leonard Woeppel

Most folks know that the item offered for free really isn’t free. In most cases, a hidden CATCH means you are going to be stuck with something else you really did not want. Everything has a price. It may not be written in bold letters or numbers but the actual cost of so many things is too high when you realize the hidden cost is there as well. A lot of people do not learn this lesson until it is too late and sin has entered into their lives. Scripture tells us that the wages of sin are death. Once you plant the bad seed it is usually too late. The crop is going to grow and will not be stopped by wails of distress.
We tell others who we are by the way we act towards them. Scripture tells us that we should treat others as we wish to be treated. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It sounds so simple but for many, it is the hardest part of their Christian walk. Do you have a neighbor who allows his dog to use your yard as a toilet? Does your neighbor play his music too loud? Does your neighbor keep his yard cleaned up? It doesn’t take much to get most of us on the warpath. It may be that a little help from you on a Saturday could lead to an opportunity to invite your neighbor to church and church could change their life for the better. Helping out a neighbor can turn a neighbor into a friend.
There is a cost to everything we do. As long as we are spending money or time on ourselves we are happy. Scripture tells us that it is more joyous to give than to receive. Are we closing ourselves off from a lot of joy and happiness because we are too stingy with our time and money? If you want to bless yourself; bless others. You will find more peace of mind if you stop worrying about what you have or what you may lose and allow Jesus to multiply your joy by helping those who really need it.
What is the price for your soul? How much time, money, and effort were expended by others to bring you into a relationship with Jesus? What was the cost to save you from Hell? Was the cost worth it? Stop looking for a free ride in life. All of us have to help pull the cart. We have a mission from Jesus that is not completed. Every opportunity we waste is not only a loss for Jesus; it is a win for Satan. We need to understand that the other side of the coin is always there in every decision/action we take.
What you pile up in life is not as important as what you give away. Riches on earth are not as important as the spiritual riches we store up in Heaven by our efforts. It is an odd fact that a rich person on earth is often the most unhappy person you will know while the poor person is often the happiest person you will encounter. The poor person has to depend on Jesus and has developed a closer relationship as a result.
There is a Hidden cost to all the choices we make. The hardest part is to determine the spiritual cost of our actions to ourselves and others. Jesus can discern the intent of our hearts. How will Jesus judge our behavior? Our actions will always speak louder than our words!!