Sunday, October 18, 2020

Four-wheeling For Jesus ~ Leonard Woeppel


Living for Jesus can be exciting in unexpected ways. The members of the church have diverse backgrounds and experiences. Church members need to be open to the opportunities that the world provides to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have to prepare ourselves for the unexpected and the dangerous if we are going to fulfill the Great Commission given to the disciples. Some people will knock on the doors of the church and say ’Let us in, but they will not be many. Disciplined missionaries are needed to reach all the rest.

Four-wheelers spend long hours preparing their vehicles and themselves for off-road trips. As Christians and disciples of Jesus Christ, we need to prepare as well. We need financial resources and reserves to sustain us while we are in the field. Four-wheelers often carry extra gas and repair parts when they undertake a difficult trip. As Christians, we need to gain a firm understanding of where we are going and what we should expect to happen. Four-wheel enthusiasts pour-over road and trail maps before they depart on a trip. They want to gain an understanding of the terrain they will encounter. Christians need to acknowledge that when we are missionaries; everything may not work out as we have planned. We need to be prepared for the unexpected. Four wheelers are notorious for being overly prepared. A rainstorm or a late season snowstorm can turn a pleasant drive in the mountains into a nightmare of danger.

Missionaries often encounter unexpected opportunities in their designated field of responsibility. They have to be wise enough and talented enough to recognize and take advantage of those things they encounter. Plans can change on the fly. Opportunities arise at inconvenient times. Are our eyes open to see all that Jesus has made available? Four-wheelers can encounter roads and trails not marked on maps. Short cuts around dangerous obstacles present themselves to those who have their eyes open. If a group of four-wheelers goes on a long multiday trip the journey requires them to find places of rest to restore themselves and repair their vehicles. Missionaries and church leaders need time off to recharge themselves as well. No one should expect a missionary to go on and on and on without rest and recuperation.

When four-wheelers finish a trip into the mountains they are quick to recount their adventures and the beautiful things they saw along the way. As Christians, we need to be prepared to testify about our personal experiences as well. Relevant and truthful information is needed to encourage other Christians to join in the struggle. Many hands make the work of a missionary easier. Personal motivation does not appear like magic. Individuals all want to find fulfillment in their work. Individuals who have been in the field need to inspire and encourage those who seek to serve.  Missionaries are the shock troops of the church. They go where no one has gone before; often into very dangerous places. The Christian experience is unknown and unwanted in large sectors of the world. Missionaries are people called by God to serve as the spear point of the church.

Four wheelers and four-wheel clubs exert power far beyond their numbers. They know what the uncharted regions of the world are like. They have been there and done that many times over.  They have conquered the dangers the rest of us are afraid to face. All Christians need to remember from where they came and where they are going. Personal experiences in the field can help shape and train those who are new to the struggle. Jesus wants all of us to help in the quest to fulfill the Great Commission. Are you prepared to do your part?

Sunday, August 2, 2020

LOVE LIFE, LOVE GOD - By Leonard Woeppel

The culture is constantly telling us to love ourselves. Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. If you are thinking of all the times you had to pat yourself on the back because no one else would; you begin to see what Jesus was saying. We all need affirmation. We all need love. When you have done a good job; it is nice to have somebody else appreciate it. The world does not exist because of you but it would be nice sometimes to hear someone else acknowledge that you do exist. We need to feel needed. We need to feel like we are part of something bigger than ourselves. So does everyone else.
If you are kind to someone else; you are not showing weakness; you are showing strength. When you forgive someone else for what they have done; you are showing the world that you will not be a prisoner to someone else’s misbehavior. Anger, resentment, and fear are emotions that do not help you to become a better person. They bind you to your past experiences. They shackle (put in chains) your responses. If you are a Christian you realize that people; by their own actions; are their own worst enemy. Get out of the past and live in the present.
The past cannot be changed. Endlessly reliving your past in your thoughts is a waste of time. All of us have done many things we regret and wish we could do-over. Life does not give anyone a do-over.  Jesus gave each of us an opportunity to wipe the slate of our life clean and start over. Jesus came to earth to atone for our sins. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice. When Jesus dies on the cross He blotted out our past and gave each of us an opportunity to live a new and better life.
If you seek after Jesus with all of your heart and strength you will find him. The Good Life promised by Jesus in the Scriptures is still available today. Jesus has a good plan for our lives that will benefit us in ways we cannot comprehend. The future is a blank slate for us to write our lives on. If we will follow the concepts and commandments set down in the Bible; Jesus will reward us. Jesus has prepared a place for his children in eternity. Heaven is a real place and there is a place for you there.
Our lives are built on our choices. If you look in the mirror you will see the origin of those choices. If your life is an endless struggle to find new and better forms of momentary amusement; you are giving your life into the hands of the devil. Your spirit and your life have a hole in it that can only be filled by Jesus. If you let the devil and sin in you are heading to Hell. We need to grab hold of Jesus and never let go. If we stay the course Jesus will find us blameless at the final Judgement.
When Jesus was asked about the greatest commandments His answer was to tell the questioner to Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Likewise, He said we should love our neighbors as ourselves. The 10 commandments simply amplify this response. If we are serious about a relationship with Jesus it is about time we started to do as He commanded!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Making Time for God ~ By Leonard Woeppel

When I was a young man I looked forward to my retirement as a time when I would have more free time to do the things I wanted to do. Surprise; it is not that way at all. I enjoy my retirement. I like sleeping in. I enjoy more time with my wife. I enjoy shopping when no one else is in the store. Doctor’s appointments are easier to schedule. There are some things I do not like. My eyesight is getting worse. I have more doctor’s appointments and so does my wife. My dentist has found lots of things that need to be fixed. Time seems to go faster now than when I was young.
I still want to do a lot of things but I find there is actually a lack of desire on my part. I have all the tools I need but actually getting started is another matter. I spend a lot of time thinking about trivial details from my early life. I often play the game of “What would have happened if…?” My mind if filled with apprehension for my wife and family after I am gone. Have I provided for them well enough? I miss my Mom and Dad and brothers. We used to get a lot of Christmas cards and now there are so few. I would think a lot of older people share my concerns.
My basement used to be filled with books. I had almost three thousand at one time. I read most of them but there was a fair share I was looking forward to reading. Got tired of building shelves and arranging books and one day I decided to simplify my life. I gave a lot of books away. Donated some to charity. I donated some more to the nursing home and junior high schools across the city. Some I just threw away. I have about 50 to 60 books now and most of them are different Bibles or other books on biblical subjects. I find I get more enjoyment out of reading the Bible now; than I did a few years ago. I also spend a lot of time writing. It was something I have wanted to do for some time and I have found other people actually enjoy what I write.
I have been getting rid of other distractions in my life as well. I stopped subscribing to all my magazines. I do not go fishing or hunting very often; if at all now. I would rather spend my time helping my wife around the house, or growing a garden, or taking a day trip to some local attraction. This last summer we went back to Lewis and Clark Caverns and Virginia City. Sure been a lot of changes in the last 20 years. I used to drive over 66,000 miles a year because of my job but now I am lucky to drive 6000 miles in a year.
The world is full of distractions. If you need more the devil will help you locate some more. I reached a point where I said enough of this silliness. I arranged an autopay on all my bills except one. I keep finding ways to get rid of the clutter that filled my life. I started looking at my relationships more. There were a lot of people that I knew because of my job. Now that I am retired we really do not have much in common anymore.
Like the Bible says; you have to sort the wheat from the chaff. Get rid of those things that have been keeping you away from what is important in your life. You will enjoy life a lot more. I know I do and suspect other people would also if they spent more time on the things that are important. I enjoy church a lot more now. I will be 68 in a few weeks and have been contemplating my future a lot more. Whatever time I have left I want to spend it in strengthening my relationship with Jesus. When I die and go to Heaven I want to hear Jesus tell me ‘Welcome Home.”
Each of us has to make a choice in our lives. Are we going to live in the world or are we going to grow up and establish and maintain a relationship with Jesus? We are never promised tomorrow. We need to be ready for whatever happens. Jesus created us. Jesus loves us. Jesus came to earth so that his sacrifice could wipe sin from the slate of our lives. The Bible makes it clear that Jesus is the only way into Heaven. Do not allow the world to sell you a pack of lies. Get ready now or death will close the door for you. You have a choice now. Don’t waste it!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Repent with Tears By, Vicki Leonardson

"You have wearied the Lord with your words."

“How have we wearied him?” you ask.

You have wearied him by saying that all who do evil are good in the Lord’s sight, and he is pleased with them. You have wearied him by asking, “Where is the God of justice?”

Malachi 2:17

Maybe you haven't said these words, but I know that I have. 

I have sarcastically said, "Thanks a lot, God!", among other rude phrases.  I'm not proud of that. 

"That is why the Lord says,
“Turn to me now, while there is time.
Give me your hearts.
Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning.
Don’t tear your clothing in your grief,
but tear your hearts instead.”
Return to the Lord your God,
for he is merciful and compassionate,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
He is eager to relent and not punish." 
Joel 2:12-13

Honestly, I return to God every morning. I repent every morning. With tears. I must constantly clean out my heart. 

He is merciful and compassionate to me. Always. His love never gives up on me. He rewards me with His sweet presence. How I love Him. 

"Thank You for Your constant love and compassion. Thank You that I return to You every morning, with tears, and You always show up. How I love You, Jesus. AMEN."

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Running Away, Again- By, Leonard Woeppel

Running away from your problems will not solve them. Running away makes our problems bigger than they need to be. Fear is not your friend. All of us carry in our minds the flight or fight mechanism. It is part of us from the time of our birth. When we do not override our flight or fight mechanism; we open ourselves to needless consequences. Some scientists say the flight or fight mechanism in our minds is a survival mechanism hardwired into our bodies. We can learn how to defeat this mechanism. Imagine a world where police ran away from criminals. Imagine a world where firefighters did not risk their lives to save ours. Imagine a war where the soldiers on both sides were afraid to fight.

Courage is learning to stand your ground in the face of situations that imperil your life. Why do some families have long time traditions of serving as police or firefighters?  Military service seems to run in a certain family also. What makes these people different? Scripture tells us to avoid living our lives in fear. Jesus feared for his life but accepted HIS fate with joy because it served a higher purpose. It is clear to see that some people recognize a need that is superior to their personal safety or survival. 

Modern society makes fun of those who serve to protect them. Recent attacks on firefighter and police illustrate the fact that a lot of people are acting out of their own self-interest to the detriment of society. Even doctors are not immune to the attacks from people looking for drugs or money to buy drugs. We need to see the root cause (s) of our problems and find better ways of solving them. Again; running away does not help.

Jesus did not believe in living a life of fear. The Bible contains numerous verses mentioning fear. (Isaiah 43: 1-3, Psalm 23, John 14: 27, Joshua 1: 9, Mathew 6:34, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 56: 3-4) As Christians we know the Bible is the truth. Why then should we live a life filled with fear? The heart of the matter is our unwillingness to live out our faith. Faith is the answer to all of our questions. Faith makes us fearless. Faith gives us the strength to do what is right. If we wear the title of Christian with pride; we need to start acting like it.

Cowards never feel safe. Cowards blame others for their own
misbehavior. Life does not come with a guarantee. Bad things happen to good
people. People who live in fear will never achieve greatness. Look at your life
and ask yourself if you have been afraid too much. Mediocrity is the fate for
those who live their lives in fear. The disciples of Jesus lived with the fear
of persecution all of their lives. They persevered and succeeded because they
had faith in the promises of Jesus. The promises of Jesus are still true today
and should inspire us to live a life without fear. Do not run away from life.
Live life with the knowledge that Jesus is on your side and you will be a
better person and a better Christian. The Good Life that Jesus promised to
those who love Him will never be a reality in your life if you live in FEAR..

Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19 - What is our church doing?

UPDATED: May 10th 2020

Dear members and friends,

As you may be aware, we have been able to start meeting for service again in accordance with our governor’s reopening plan. While we are thankful and elated to be able to do so, now more than ever it is a high priority to make our church a safe, secure place for you and your family to worship. For at least the next couple of weeks, you will be able to choose between two identical services at 9:30 and 11:00 am. We offer a special invitation for those who are high risk or elderly to join us at the 9:30 service. Our 11:00 am service will be live on Facebook and YouTube. Those in Kindergarten through 11 years old will have the option of staying with their family or being a part of Kids Zone classes during the 11 am service.

Due to the ongoing concern about the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we are exercising caution in every way we can as we take this seriously. In addition to the safety measures we normally follow, we are taking extra precautions during this time to help keep you and your family safe and healthy.

These measures include the following procedures:
•Wiping down high-traffic areas like door handles after every service.
•Keeping hand-sanitizing stations in bathrooms and at the front door full.
•Keeping the nursery, food, and fellowship areas closed.
•Operating at less than half capacity by having multiple services.
•Sanitizing the sanctuary and bathrooms between services.
•Utilizing alternate methods for giving and other usher duties.
•Altering the sanctuary seating to allow for social distancing.
•Providing face masks for those that would like them for service or elsewhere.

Our team is closely following news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about best practices to contain the spread of the coronavirus. We’ll continue to update our policies and procedures with the latest information and communicate with you as necessary. Of course, we need your help too.

Here’s what you can do to keep yourself and others safe and healthy:
•Avoid skin contact. While we love giving hugs, handshakes, and high-fives, try giving an elbow-bump, a big smile, or a friendly wave instead.
•If you need to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with your sleeve or a tissue.
•Wash your hands often in warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds.
•Use hand sanitizer often.
•If you or your family members are experiencing, or have recently experienced, symptoms associated with the flu or the common cold (fever, persistent cough, headache, chills, or unexplained rash), stay home.
•If you need to stay home from church, please watch online. We want everyone to stay connected to what the Lord is doing in our church. Together, we can do our best to make our church a safe place for everyone.

It is my sincere hope and prayer that you and all the members of your family will come through this crisis more prepared to live life to its fullest and more importantly, to be prepared for eternity. May it be true of all of us that we are becoming better equipped to minister and make a difference as we move forward together.

Looking forward to seeing you or hearing from you soon!

Pastor Sermon