Thursday, April 8, 2021

Spiritual Hoarding- By April Coonfare

 A while ago while visiting a relative in the hospital there was an episode on the television called Hoarders. It is appalling to see people live in such a mess of an environment that is unhealthy and nasty! To label it a little more plainly: they are people that have too much junk. Usually as a result of a tragedy or some deeply-rooted issue, but it’s about to kill them in one form or another.

Their pattern overtakes their homes and causing disease and disaster, their habit of holding on to things excessively is a seemingly unbreakable one. A dangerous situation is unfolding. The mode of their minds is such that, in the beginning, they are in denial, and they refuse to believe that things are as bad as they are. Then as the reality of their situation hits them, the bottom line is the same for each one: A change of mind and heart is imperative. The decision must be made to rip out the old and usher in the new, then trade the old habits for new ones.
I was thinking about this the other day, what about spiritual hoarding?
Many of us hold onto our old nasty habits that we just don’t want to get rid of. Some hold onto their past and can’t let go. Holding onto habits and past things can hinder us and hold us back from going forward in our walk with God. Maybe you have some emotional hoarding.
Has someone in your past hurt you, and even though it doesn’t feel good, it feels very safe to hold on to that unforgiveness? What other emotions do you hold on to? Anger, resentment, or perhaps bitterness? A friend has betrayed your trust. A loved one has hurt you. Your spouse has said some very hurtful things, and you’re still holding on to those. As long as you’re hoarding the past and all its trash it will ultimately pile up a lot of negative emotions and stifle our walk with God.
We need to be able to declutter the lives of our past sins, negative feelings, and emotions. We need to allow Jesus to clean deep within us. We need to repent of our past sins, put them in a black garbage bag and allow Jesus to throw them away.
Jesus died for our sins so we can let go of our “old things” and wipe our slate clean so we can start a new life with Him. Let go of your stinky past trash and take it to God. God didn’t endure the pain on the cross for us to cling on to our sins and negative events that have happened in our previous life. He went through the pain and suffering for us to let go of our “old garbage” and renew ourselves in a new life experience with Him. Allow His Spirit to cleanse you and free you from all the hindering “trash” you have been holding onto. It is time to do spiritual spring cleaning!!